



一、本系符合SDG 3良好健康與福祉







在這樣的背景下,我們的研究團隊決定為藥物開發做出貢獻。我們針對喬治亞大學藥學院所提供的26,193種化合物進行了篩選,尋找對抗 PLpro(似木瓜素蛋白水解酶)的潛在候選藥物。PLpro是新冠病毒的重要靶點,抑制 PLpro 能夠阻斷病毒在宿主細胞內的複製和增殖。我們使用了分子對接技術,將這些化合物與PLpro進行了配體與蛋白質對接,並做詳細的分析。





In the spring of 2020, the world faced an unprecedented crisis. A mysterious virus began spreading silently, rapidly escalating into a global pandemic. This virus had an extremely high mortality rate, instilling fear and anxiety in people worldwide. Many countries imposed lockdowns and travel restrictions, causing unprecedented disruptions to social life and transportation. This virus was officially named COVID-19.

As the pandemic spread, by February 2023, over 756 million cases and 6.8 million deaths from COVID-19 had been reported globally. This pandemic is considered one of the most severe in modern history. In the United States, the number of deaths caused by this virus has surpassed the death toll of the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic, making it the deadliest flu pandemic of the last century. In response to this virus, scientists worldwide began developing vaccines as soon as the virus sequence was completed in early 2020. To date, many vaccines have been approved globally, with more still under development, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in the United States, Oxford-AstraZeneca in the United Kingdom, and Covaxin in India. However, despite progress in vaccine development, the pandemic continues to surge in the United States, Japan, Germany, and many other high-income countries. Low-income countries, while experiencing fewer infections, face insufficient vaccine supplies, resulting in extended pandemic restrictions. To mitigate the negative impact of these issues, continued development of COVID-19 treatments is crucial.

Against this backdrop, our research team decided to contribute to drug development. We screened a library of 26,193 compounds provided by the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy to identify potential drug candidates against PLpro (papain-like protease). PLpro is a critical target for the novel coronavirus, as inhibiting PLpro can block the virus's replication and proliferation within host cells. We employed molecular docking techniques to interface these compounds with PLpro and conducted detailed analyses.

The results revealed that F3077-0136, F2883-0639, and F0514-5148 were the top three drug candidates. Notably, F3077-0136 and F2883-0639 exhibited outstanding drug-likeness properties. We predicted the binding affinities of these compounds and conducted simulations to validate these predictions. Overall, this study not only provides valuable insights for further laboratory research but also holds the potential to accelerate the development of COVID-19 treatments.


二、本系符合SDG 14 Life below Water(水下生物)












On a sunny morning in a fishing village in southern Taiwan, Mr. Zhang, a local fisherman, stood by the edge of his fish pond, anxiously watching his clear blue waters. Mr. Zhang had been grappling with challenges in the aquaculture industry—aging labor resources, rising feed costs, and how to ensure his fish thrive in the optimal environment. Little did he know that a groundbreaking solution was on the horizon to address these issues.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Since 2022, a group of researchers passionate about combining technology with aquaculture has embarked on an in-depth study of fish farm management efficiency. Our goal is to transform traditional aquaculture practices, reduce resource waste, improve fish health, and lower farming costs. This team developed an advanced technology called the "Cloud Smart Feeding System," which aims to achieve precise feeding through image recognition technology.                                                                                                                                                                        

The core technology of the system is image recognition, which captures the ripples produced during the fish feeding process. When the fish feed, small ripples appear on the water surface; these ripples are detected and analyzed by the system. Based on the changes in these ripples, the system intelligently determines whether to increase or decrease the amount of feed being dispensed. This ensures that the fish receive adequate feed without causing water pollution from overfeeding or hindering their growth due to insufficient feed.                                                                                           

The entire feeding process is divided into three stages. First is the trial feeding stage, where the fishermen set parameters such as the expected size of the ripples, the amount of feed, and the duration. These parameters serve as the system’s target guidelines. Next is the main feeding stage, during which the system performs intelligent feeding based on the fish’s feeding conditions, adjusting the feed amount in real time. Finally, in the flexible adjustment stage, the system generates a feeding stage diagram to help fishermen understand the actual feeding conditions. This data can be accumulated and visualized as a heatmap, allowing fishermen to clearly see the fish’s appetite trends and adjust their aquaculture strategies accordingly.                                                                                

For Mr. Zhang, this system is undoubtedly a blessing. The implementation of the system has saved him 146 hours of labor each year and reduced feed costs by 73,500 NT dollars. More importantly, the system provides scientific analysis of aquaculture records, allowing him to better pass on his aquaculture experience to the next generation. Over time, this Cloud Smart Feeding System has not only made a significant impact on Mr. Zhang's fish farm but is also gradually being adopted by other aquaculture farms. Farmers can monitor and remotely control the feeding process via their phones, which not only improves farming efficiency but also effectively promotes the transfer of aquaculture experience. Thus, Taiwan's aquaculture industry is entering a new era, bringing greater economic benefits and promising sustainable development.


三、本系符合SDG 14 Life below Water(水下生物)


















Beneath the shimmering surface of the water, the life stories of fish unfold quietly. The causes of fish deaths are complex, generally categorized into three main types: environmental factors, pollutants, and diseases. Among these, diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites can silently invade, leading to illness or even death in fish. Early detection and swift intervention can significantly reduce fish losses.

The challenge, however, is how to detect fish health issues from their behavior. According to aquaculture experts, sick fish often exhibit unusual behaviors, such as isolating themselves or showing abnormal swimming patterns. Additionally, fish density can impact their health. High stocking density may cause overcrowding and stunted growth, while low density increases labor and spatial costs.

Farmers typically rely on visual observation to assess fish health and stocking density, but this method has limitations. Factors like water transparency and observation distance mean that only the fish near the water surface are visible, making it difficult to comprehensively understand the condition of the entire fish population. Deep-water fish often remain unnoticed, leading to an incomplete picture of the fish community.

To address this issue, our research team has deployed new technology. Using an imaging sonar system, we analyze the condition of fish in aquaculture settings through deep learning techniques. This system not only visualizes analysis results through charts and graphs but also observes fish status from both horizontal and vertical perspectives.

Horizontally, when predators appear or fish move along the edges of the net due to disease, their distribution will differ from usual patterns. The system can promptly detect these anomalies, helping farmers quickly remove sick fish or drive away predators.

Vertically, since fish are ectotherms, they tend to move to deeper waters when cold currents or temperature drops occur. Our system visualizes these changes, assisting farmers in relocating nets to warmer waters or adding unsaturated fats to feed, helping fish survive the winter.

Our research system provides crucial information to aid farmers in determining stocking density and fish distribution, enabling them to take appropriate measures to reduce economic losses and maximize economic benefits. By constructing 3D point cloud maps from 2D sonar images and calculating the volumes of net cages and fish schools, farmers can gain a deeper understanding of both horizontal and vertical fish distribution. This technology not only enhances monitoring capabilities for farmers but also paves the way for the future development of aquaculture.
